Jan 29, 2015

Limited time offer: FREE SAT© grammar guide

Students struggling to master grammar for the SAT or anyone with a particular interest in improving English grammar skills might want to take advantage of a wonderful opportunity to download Bob Gilvey’s The SAT© Writing Test—Let’s Learn Grammar [Kindle edition]—for FREE.

New to the market, the grammar guide is available as a download through Amazon Digital Services.  And you don’t even need a Kindle to take advantage of the deal.  In fact, anyone can read Kindle books—even without a Kindle device—with the Kindle “app” for smartphones, tablets and computers.  

It’s no secret that young devotees to electronic forms of communication including Instant Messaging and Twitter are losing their “ears” for basic English language.  Grammar drills and sentence diagramming are so last century as to practically put English language teachers out of business.  And yet, a consistent complaint from anyone who reads college admissions essays or who grades freshman English papers is that these kids simply cannot write.

Targeted to a specific test, Let’s Learn Grammar teaches every grammar concept tested by the College Board in a fun, engaging format involving clever split screens linking real SAT questions with SAT grammar lessons.

According to Gilvey, one of the most important features of SAT grammar is the predictability of the content and structure of the questions:  “Specific grammar principles are always tested in specific ways….”

To introduce basic concepts, Gilvey simplifies all of English grammar down to all of 15 possible language errors.  His categories include everything from subject-verb agreement and parallel structures to double negatives and redundancy.  

And here’s an important secret:  these lessons may be applied far beyond the SAT.  Anyone who takes the time to work through Gilvey’s guide can benefit by improving English language skills for all forms of communication—written and verbal.

Between now and Sunday, Let’s Learn Grammar will be offered free-of-charge on Amazon.  Whether you’re a high school student studying for the SAT or someone who appreciates the value of excellent communication skills, you may want to check out Gilvey’s approach and download his book—the first in a series of SAT guides he intends to publish.

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